Holistic health care for the whole family


While we see clients for many conditions for any age, we have specific experience with the following conditions:

  • Thyroid and Adrenal Health
  • Stress, Anxiety, Depression and other Emotional Stressors
  • Candida and Gut Health / Dysbiosis
  • Allergies, Asthma and Respiratory Conditions
  • Detox and Custom Cleanse Programs
  • Women and Children's Health Concerns
  • PMS, Menopause, and other Hormone Imbalances
  • Digestion and Proper Assimilation/Absorption of Foods
  • Natural Pain Management
  • Auto-Immune Conditions
  • Balancing Emotional and Spiritual Stressors

Illinois Naturopathy


Total Health Plan + Testing - 3 months - $995

This total health package will give you a 3 months of service as well as a test of your choosing to get you established on your health journey.

This plan includes:

  • Two 60-minute appointments and one 90-minute initial appointment with Kim Schiffer ND to take a deep dive into your health, discovering the root cause of your symptoms, conditions and complaints and addressing them with holistic and natural solutions.
  • A Functional Medicine Test of your choosing. Choose from any of our single tests including some of our most popular like the Gut Zoomer, Basic Food Sensitivity Testing and HUMAP (Hormone Testing). Detailed recommendations and a plan going forward is always part of our testing.
  • A full overview of all your supplements, vitamins and medications, streamlining what you should be taking and eliminating that which you do not need.
  • A full evaluation of your health and a focus on educating you on what is going on with your health and how to change it!
  • Ongoing support for accountability and support available DAILY if needed.
  • A comprehensive approach implementing diet, herbs, lifestyle changes, detox, and more!

The Wholistc Family Plan - Healthcare for your entire family for 1 YEAR - $1495 (35% Savings!)
**Monthly Payment Plan of $140/month available!**

This is a package that will include all things health related for your entire family*! This is everything you need to keep your family well in 2024!

This plan includes:

  • Twenty 60-minute appointments with Kim Schiffer ND to take a deep dive into your health, discovering the root cause of your symptoms, conditions and complaints and addressing them with holistic and natural solutions.
  • Consultations available for anyone in your family for the entire year with Kim Schiffer ND.
  • Access to email with any questions you have with anything related to the health of you, your partner or your children for the entire year.
  • Help for the entire family on diet, food plans, recipes, and more.
  • An understanding for everyone what is going on with their current state of health, underlying conditions and diseases and how to start addressing these imbalances naturally.
  • A comprehensive approach implementing diet, herbs, lifestyle changes, detox and more.
  • All you need to get your family feeling better, healthier, happier and whole in 2024!

*family members consist of a family unit of up to 2 adults and all the children that live with them*

Call our office at 815-476-0628 with any questions and to schedule your plan today!

Naturopathic & Nutritional Services

​​​​Services Available

  • Naturopathic Care for specific conditions

  • Flower Essence Therapy
  • Raindrop Therapy
  • Custom Detox Plans
  • Essential Oils
  • Raw, organic, Food-Sourced Supplements
  • Preventative Health Care
  • Holistic Nutrition
  • Reflexology
  • Emotional Release Therapy
  • Testing
  • Mind-Body emotional connections
  • Ionic Foot Detoxing

Naturopathic/Functional Medicine Consultations

Initial Naturopathic Consultation - $195/90 minutes 

During your initial appointment a complete health history is documented and the focus is on finding the root cause of your symptoms, and conditions. Testing is discussed and the patient leaves the office with a clear plan on the steps needed to take toward their health goals and recommendations on where to start using herbs, diet, nutrition, supplements and more.
Follow-up Consultation - $125 / 60 minutes

Short Follow-up Consultation - $75 / 30 minutes

Email Consultation - $50